First, it must be pointed out, there is no denomination or association of Federated Churches. Wherever one finds a Federated Church, two or more local churches have merged.
“Federated” describes the way our church is organized. We are actually two denominations.
The United Church of Christ and The Presbyterian-USA churches joined together in 1923 to worship and serve God together. The Federation is a relationship which has fostered a faithful fellowship, service and witness to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We even have community members who affiliate with neither denomination but have membership with the church.
The pipe organ in our church is the oldest pipe organ in Ford County that is still in use. This organ was given in memory of William Moffet Wilson by his wife, Elizabeth, and their two daughters.
The organ was purchased from Hinners Organ Co., Pekin, Illinois.
University of Illinois - Willard, IL
Last Updated on Jun 5 2024, 6:53 am CDT
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